Schmidt’s gone! we are supposed to be surprised?

By now we all know that Eric Schmidt resigned from Apple because “someone” dropped the dime on Apple with the FCC about the iTunes App Store; This because Apple did not approve a Google Voice App! What I find ironic, and perhaps more evil, is that Google debates that the mobile Web should be as open as the Web because it creates a larger and more searchable mobile Web... this is hypocritical coming from a company who treats data differently than applications. Let’s not be naive here, Google’s goal is to capture all the information on the Web to better target advertisement at the expense of our privacy. Applications are just means to that end! From a market perception standpoint, Schmidt’s resignation is great for Google as people are going to question Apple’s business model and its Application approval process. I think that it is just a way for Google to push further its Phone by making the choice one of philosophy and not product. Evil and brilliantly executed by concourse of circumstances or design... nonetheless it is very interesting between-the-lines reading and observing its ripple effect.